300 g dark chocolate (about half a bag of Enjoy Life)
1 can full fat coconut cream
1 tsp vanilla

1. set a small pot of water to boil, once boiling, place a pyrex or similar bowl of chocolate on top, making sure the bowl isn't touching the water
2. once about 1/2-3/4 the chocolate is melted add coconut cream and vanilla, mix until homogenous
3. place in freezer (or let sit to cool depending on time restrictions/when you need it) and begin preparing cookies

vegan marshmallows (the big ones)
Use this recipe for the cookies - DON'T add chocolate chips. Just make the base and add some cinnamon. Instead of cooking them all the way through, bake for 5 mins, add your marshmallows on half of the cookies, and then cook for 7 mins or until crispy. The marshmallows will blow up, that's ok.
Take ganache out of freezer.

Let cookies set for a few minutes on a sheet with holes or wire pan, until they seem steady enough to hold. Press half the cookies with no mallows over the other half with the mallows making a sandwich.

Let them sit for a few more minutes and then dunk in ganache. Let cool or enjoy as a messy yummy snack.